About Us
Draycott Village Fund (DVF) is a non profit making community group, run by volunteers to foster a sense of pride and visually enhance Draycott
DVF and Draycott in Bloom, our horticultural group, is open to anyone to join,
whether it be helping organise and run events or just being part of the wider team
Who are DVF?
DVF is run by a small committee consisting of: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and approx. 9 committee members who manage day to day matters, plus co-ordinate all the main events…
Yard Sale
Open Gardens
Scarecrow Festival
Advent Windows
Christmas Market
Christmas Tress
How is DVF funded?
DVF has no source of income other than donations and fund raising events. We receive many personal donations, your generosity is overwhelming.
DVF have established relationships with organisations who support community activities, this enables some of our more major projects.
Committee Vacancies & Role Profiles
We currently have a vacancy for a Committee Member, see link below for the role profile.
If you’re interested in joining us, please Get in Touch
Committee Member - Role Profile
Chair - Role Profile
Treasurer - Role Profile
Secretary - Role Profile
Thank you to everyone that has helped DVF, with donations and their time
Because of this support, the village has been able to maintain the planting displays and support initiatives, like the new Draycott Litter Picking Group