Draycott Jubilee Project
The benches have now been installed following completion of the groundworks. There will be some planters arriving soon for sensory planting and eventually we hope to have a sculpture to go around the back edge to celebrate the late Queen's long reign. Once the surrounding area has been fettled it should be a tremendous addition to the village.
Photos to follow
Please enjoy the space but leave it clean and tidy for others to enjoy too.
Our aim is to have an attractive seating area which is accessible to all which will provide sensory planting for those with visual impairment.
DVF engaged with Draycott Parish Council to fund the project to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee. The area for this project is the land which is owned by Erewash BC - the grass patch adjacent to the public conveniences. EBC agreed to our project and along with the parish council our plans were accepted. We have been successful in our bids for financial support from East Midlands in Bloom who have donated £300 to go towards the sensory planting whilst East Midlands Airport Community Fund have promised us £2000 to go towards the seating. We were provided with plans for the site by local landscape architects and we are working on designing and commissioning a piece of artwork to celebrate the Queen’s reign and possibly historical events local to Draycott.
A map of the village has been created by the local history group which forms part of the overall plan along with the village sign which was erected in 2018.
An impression of the seating can be seen here → (opens in a new window)
The outline plan for the site can be seen below - click on the image to enlarge